If you would like to teach a class, please contact:
Executive Director, Evy Dueck
Email: evy19carter@gmail.com
If you would like to show your art, please contact:
Operations Coordinator, Rona Gugliemino
Email: rona19carter@gmail.com
If you would like to rent for a private event, please contact:
Operations Coordinator, Rona Gugliemino
Email: rona19carter@gmail.com
If you would like to perform, please contact:
Music Coordinator, Seth Asser
Email: info@19carter.org
Our vision is for everyone to feel welcome while connecting with each other, enjoying artwork and live music, learning about local events and businesses, making a puzzle, doing homework, playing ping pong, reading a book, visiting with their neighbors, or just stopping by to warm up by the potbelly stove.
19 Carter Street, Berlin, Massachusetts 01503, United States